Grant Writing Training
Whether you are about to embark on writing your first proposal and want an overview of the entire grants process or are in the midst of writing your one hundredth proposal and seek ways to earn those vital half points that will elevate your application into the “funded” category, we offer a variety of introductory and advanced grant writing workshops customizable to your situation.
Grant Technical Assistance
Perhaps you are getting stuck while writing measurable objectives and outcomes for your project. Maybe your entire proposal is in need of fresh eyes to identify potential “soft spots.” Or possibly, you received a rejection letter and are considering ways to address shortcomings. One-on-one coaching assistance is available to help give your proposal more persuasive punch.
Grant Strategic Planning & Program Development
Writing grants is easy. Knowing what to write is the hard part. We can guide you through a systematic process of prioritizing fundable ideas, identifying funding sources for the short- and long-term, analyzing application guidelines, strategizing competitive applications, including addressing inevitable questions of “how will this program be sustained beyond the grant?”
Organizational Grant Readiness & Board Development
It’s common for a well-meaning board of directors to encourage, “Go get a grant to fund that program,” without understanding the readiness of the organization to seek, receive, and manage grant awards. An in-depth assessment of institutional infrastructure combined with board training can help manage expectations of what grants can – and cannot – do to support the organization.